How to take care of mums and keep them happy all season?

October 24, 2022

How to take care of mums and keep them happy all season?

Mums are easy to care for. This post will discuss how to take care of them indoors and outdoors. No matter where you plant mums, it is important to choose ones with plenty of buds that aren't yet flowering. This will make the flowers last longer.

How to take care of indoor mums?

Most people don't realize that mums are often root bound after they are bought. You will need a bigger pot to keep your mums healthy. Make sure you use high-quality potting soil before placing a layer on the bottom. Once the soil has been broken up, place your mum in the new container. After you've repotted your mums, all you need is the following:

  • Place your mums where there is plenty of sunlight. You should choose a window with lots of sun and ensure it receives at least four hours per day of direct sunlight.
  • Keep the soil moist. Although you don't want mums to go dry, over-watering them can be dangerous. To prevent this, place the pot into a container or bucket that has two to three inches of water. This will allow your plant to absorb the water. You should water your mums from the bottom, not the top.
  • To ensure lasting blooms, deadhead regularly. Wilted stems/leaves can be removed to make mums more attractive. Dead stems and leaves will also help your plant grow longer, as they won't compete for nutrients and water.
  • You can transplant mums outside once they have stopped flowering. Mums can only flower once in the house, but if you keep it green until it is transplanted outdoors, you will be able to enjoy it every season.

Caring for outdoor mums

Planting outside or in the garden is just as important for indoor mums. Planting mums outdoors in well-draining soil is a good idea. Organic soil and compost are better for healthy, strong mums. The following are essential care tips for mum plants:

  • Allow mums to have lots of space. Your mums should be placed 18 inches from any other plants so that their roots can expand.
  • Water, but not too little. Water the foliage below the soil, as it can cause fungi. You'll need to water more frequently after the first week, so ensure that mums have at least one inch of water each week.
  • Deadhead. Remove dead stems or leaves and wilted blossoms. This will help your mums bloom for a longer time.
  • Mums in colder climates might need mulching with straw, wood chips, or leaves. Mulch should measure three or four inches in height and surround your mum's base.
  • You don't have to worry about frost getting your mums. Simply trim the stems to a minimum of one inch above the ground. Leave the mulch intact. Your mums will grow back in the spring.

Prevent Weeds from Near Your Mums

Weeds are your mum's enemy. They will challenge your mums for space. Protect them with proactive control like weed barriers, mulch, compost, and other weed-control methods.

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